Dive Brief:
- University of Kansas journalism professor David Guth was placed on administrative leave Friday over an anti-NRA tweet posted after the Navy Yard mass shooting.
- The tweet read, “The blood is on the hands of the #NRA. Next time, let it be YOUR sons and daughters. Shame on you. May God damn you," and was called "repugnant" by university Vice Chancellor Timothy C. Caboni.
- Kansas State Senator Greg Smith says he won't support any budget proposals or recommendations for the university unless it terminates Guth, who refuses to apologize and says he has received abusive and threatening e-mails over the incident.
Dive Insight:
While Guth's post may have been in poor taste, the incident is raising new legal questions on where the line is drawn for employers when it comes to holding people accountable for social media posts. Though the university has a policy regarding political expressions by faculty and staff, public employees usually enjoy more First Amendment protection for statements made outside of their official duties and there is an ongoing debate over whether Guth's post is protected speech.